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As part of the Oxford Art Weeks I was invited to exhibit some of my woodland drawings at the newly built Woodland Centre based in Little Wittenham, Oxford.

I had the drawings printed at UAL and had them mounted and framed in a variety of sizes. I liked the idea of the drawings to be displayed in more of a cluster, so as to look like they were part of a wall you might find in someone’s home.






I am also hoping to sell my prints so I had to create a pricing map and order form so people could order as many prints as they wanted framed or unframed.










I find it a very difficult task to price my work. Several people over the course of the exhibit had remarked that they seemed underpriced. So I am planning on trying a set of different prices out and see what sells after that.

In the future I would like to hire someone to price and frame up my works for me as I find it quite stressful!



I preferred not to give the drawing titles as I felt it was self explanatory what the drawing were of. Instead I wrote a little bit of information about the series –

‘In The Woods’ is a series of drawings based on a walk through a woodland.

The drawings were made with ink and watercolours and often use geometric shapes to depict each encounter the walker comes across.
The overall aim of this ongoing project is to reveal and reflect on the ecosystems and life cycles that make up a great deal of the woodland environment.
Through making these images Jezella hopes to both inform and inspire others to go on woodland adventures of their own.
Jezella lives in Oxford is currently completing a Masters in Drawing at the Wimbledon College of Art, London.’

It is always a good experience for me to take part in shows like this. Through them I quickly gain a great deal of insight into the amount of preparation that goes into putting a set of work together, framing, making labels, meeting with curators/organisers – does take a lot of time and finesse to get it down to an art.

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