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Sandy’s Workshop


Before we grouped together for Sandy’s workshop at the Centre for Drawing, we were invited to come along and visit an exhibition based around film and moving image at the Camden Arts Centre the week before. –

The exhibition itself was a gripping and thrilling body of work. I particularly liked the use of old film projectors which were playing highly slowed down moments from found tv footage. They seemed to highlight the moments between when an object is stationary/static and when the object is in motion or is being affected by its surroundings in some way.

Knowing that Sandy is considering the functionality of the camera in how it produces images through eye of the lens, I could see the connection there was between this exhibition and Sandy’s current work. The old film projectors had been re-configured to affect the way it played the film inside them. essentially they are becoming a king of camera, blurring the boundary between the still and the moving image.

A week later gathered at the technical resources for cameras workshop and were given a workshop in how to use  and develop images from using a pinhole camera. It was a really great group activity for us to learn together. We had a lot of fun looking for the strong areas of light and dark, we even experimented with casting each others shadows and also tried to capture movement too – which was much harder.

A few days later we met back at the Centre for Drawing in which we were given instructions on how to make our very own pinhole cameras. Once we had constructed them, we then we out and made more images of the things we were inspired by from in and around the university.

I really liked that Sandy’s workshop consisted of several parts/workshops in order to make it work. Much like the process of developing a photograph.





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